README.TXT for HYDRO.ARC 4-30-87 ------------------------------------------------ This is a collection of Lotus 123 templates, some of which were written with version 1 of 123, but have WK1 extensions because I have made minor revisions using version 2.00. UNIFORM is the main menu for CIRC, RECT, TRAP and TRI and accesses those templates. Alt A accesses a menu within each template. You may also load a template directly. These templates are used for calculating uniform flow of water within circular, rectangular, trapezoidal, or triangular channels, respectively. They allow flow, roughness, channel slope, and geometry of channel to be input, and calculate a first trial for depth. By entering a better guess in the proper cell, the trial calculations converge, to whatever level of accuracy the user desires. These templates were not written by myself, but are being put into the public domain with this TXT file for the use of anyone who finds them useful. They were furnished to me by Vern Peterman of Carson City, Nevada. Thanks, Vern. CHANFLOW performs similar functions for triangular, trapezoidal, or rectangular channels, but in a different format. By entering different top and bottom widths in one template, triangular or rectangular or trapezoidal channels can be calculated by one template. Another section of the template allows bottom width and fixed side slope to be entered. A third section allows flow in street gutters to be calculated for various depths of flow. Flow is not entered; depths are entered into these by trial and error until the desired flow is achieved. A header has been preselected to print with whichever flow calc is selected for printing. COMP-C is a template for calculating composite runoff coefficient for the rational method of storm runoff. It is based on Manual 37 by ASCE. The values in the referenced table in the Manual are averaged by the template. It may be easily revised by the user to reflect his own judgement or local design criteria. CHANFLOW and COMP-C were written by myself, and are being placed into the public domain. Rich Wadsworth, Civil Comp